This study investigated the impact of cooperative learning strategy on process skills acquisition and performance in chemistry among secondary school students, Aliero Kebbi State, Nigeria.The population of the study comprised of 1743 SS II science students in Aliero Education zone. Non - random sampling was used to get the sample for the study. The sample of the study comprised of 162 students out of which 93 were males and 69 were females; non – random sampling technique was used to get the sample. Quasi – experimental pretest posttest control group design was adopted for the study. The experimental group was exposed to cooperative learning strategy and the control group was exposed to lecture method. Two instruments; Test of Science Process Skills (TOSPS) with reliability coefficient of 0.79 and Chemistry Performance Test (CPT) with reliability coefficient of 0.88, were used to collect the data used for the study. Four research questions with their corresponding hypotheses were raised and tested at p≤0.05 level of significance. The data collected were analysed using t - test statistics. Major findings from the study were: Chemistry students taught using cooperative learning strategy performed significantly better in their acquisition of science process skills than those taught using lecture method, Chemistry students taught using cooperative learning strategy performed significantly better in performance test than those taught using lecture method. Cooperative Learning Strategy (CLS)was not gender sensitive to academic performance and acquisition of science process skills. Based on the findings, it is recommended that,Special Training Programme should be organized for Chemistry Teachers of Secondary Schoolson the use of Cooperative Learning Strategy in the teaching and learning of chemistry so as to enhance general performance of students.
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